About Promise Biomedical - 關於美康諾生醫

Promise Biomedical Inc. (Promise), founded in 2022, is a consumer medical product distributor in Taipei, Taiwan.

The founder, Mr. Chung-Han (Eric) Lee, is a former reviewer of the Taiwan FDA with over 10 years of experience in the MedTech industry.

Our goal is to provide best-in-class consumer medical products around the world for Taiwanese people since there are few products available in Taiwan compared to western countries such as the US and EU.

Promise Biomedical, Inc.美康諾生醫,成立於 2022 年,是一家 位於台灣台北的消費性醫療產品經銷商。

創辦人李忠翰(Eric),曾擔任台灣 FDA 的審查員,並擁有超過 十年的醫療科技產業經驗。


Website: https://www.promisebiomed.com/​​​​​​​
Over 90 pages of guidelines for visual identity.
1. Introduction of the brand 品牌介紹
2. Logomark & Logotype Usage 商標與文字標
3. Color Palette 色彩規劃
4. Typography 字體規範
5. Pattern 圖騰
6. Photography 攝影 

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